

What is e-Governance ?

Electronic Governance (e-Governance) is the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for the planning, implementation, and monitoring of government programmes, projects, and activities. e-Governance is expected to help deliver cost-effective and easy-to-access citizen services. e-Governance can be defined as delivery of government services and information to the public using electronic channels.

Benefits of e-Governance

  • e-Enablement
  • e-Gov acceptability
  • Enhanced service delivery
  • Operational efficiency:
  • Ease of administration (better day to day management)
  • Better access to information
  • Improved communication channel
  • Cross-functional integration
  • Faster decision making cycle
  • To improve strategic planning capacity
  • Up to date report for MIS for better internal control
  • Benefit to the Citizen

The application would automate the entire functionality which would help the citizen in easy, efficient and error free transaction. Citizen would be benefited in the following ways:

  • No data or document of citizen will get lost

Transactions would be faster and more secure

  • Any information about the citizen can be easily tracked
  • Citizen can log complaints through PGR module and also get to know the status of his complaints
  • Citizen would in advance get reminders for all the payments due
  • Cost saving:Better utilization of men and material

Our Modules of e-Governance are :

  1. Birth And Death
  2. Health System
  3. Financial Accounting System
  4. Payroll
  5. ULB Infrastructure
  6. School Information System
  7. Public Grievance & Redressal
  8. Ward Wise Management System
  9. Trade Licenses
  10. Property Tax
  11. Infrastructure Management System
  12. Building Plan
  13. Water Works Management


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